Google Chrome 19 is out

Google Chrome 19 is out

تاریخ ایجاد

ID: IRCNE2012051500
Date: 2012-05-16

According to "zdnet", Google yesterday released Chrome version 19. On the security side, the new version fixes 20 vulnerabilities: eight high-severity flaws, seven medium-severity flaws, and five low-severity flaws. You can update to the latest version using the software’s built-in silent updater, or you can download the latest version of Chrome directly from
Here are the 20 security vulnerabilities fixed in Google Chrome 19.0.1084.46:

  • Low CVE-2011-3083: Browser crash with video + FTP.
  • Low CVE-2011-3084: Load links from internal pages in their own process.
  • Medium CVE-2011-3085: UI corruption with long auto filled values.
  • High CVE-2011-3086: Use-after-free with style element.
  • Low CVE-2011-3087: Incorrect window navigation.
  • Medium CVE-2011-3088: Out-of-bounds read in hairline drawing.
  • High CVE-2011-3089: Use-after-free in table handling.
  • Medium CVE-2011-3090: Race condition with workers.
  • High CVE-2011-3091: Use-after-free with indexed DB.
  • High CVE-2011-3092: Invalid write in v8 regex.
  • Medium CVE-2011-3093: Out-of-bounds read in glyph handling.
  • Medium CVE-2011-3094: Out-of-bounds read in Tibetan handling.
  • High CVE-2011-3095: Out-of-bounds write in OGG container.
  • Low CVE-2011-3096: Use-after-free in GTK omnibox handling.
  • High CVE-2011-3097: Out-of-bounds write in sampled functions with PDF.
  • Low CVE-2011-3098: Bad search path for Windows Media Player plug-in.
  • High CVE-2011-3099: Use-after-free in PDF with corrupt font encoding name.
  • Medium CVE-2011-3100: Out-of-bounds read drawing dash paths.
  • Medium CVE-2011-3101: Work around Linux Nvidia driver bug.
  • High CVE-2011-3102: Off-by-one out-of-bounds write in libxml.

Related Link:
Google fixes five flaws in Chrome 18
