New Mac OS X Trojan

New Mac OS X Trojan

تاریخ ایجاد

ID: IRCNE2012041471
Date: 2012-04-17

According to "zdnet", Just a few days ago, a new Mac OS X Trojan was spotted in the wild that exploited Java vulnerabilities and required no user interaction to infect your Apple Mac, just like the Flashback Trojan. Kaspersky referred to it as “Backdoor.OSX.SabPub.a” while Sophos called it at “SX/Sabpab-A.” Now, both security firms have confirmed a different variant of this new Trojan that infects Macs by exploiting Microsoft Word, not Java.
Sophos detects the malicious Word documents as Troj/DocOSXDr-A and points to the following Microsoft Security Bulletin: MS09-027.
The new version of the Trojan uses malformed Word documents to open a backdoor for remote hackers to steal information or install further code.
Updating or uninstalling Java will not do you any good. Instead, you’ll need to update Microsoft Office 2004 for Mac and Microsoft Office 2008 for Mac. Thankfully, this security vulnerability is from June 2009, so if you keep your Microsoft software patched, you should be good to go.

Related Links:
Apple working on Flashback removal tool
Web tool checks if your Mac is Flashback
Java second update
Java update for OS X
New malware exploiting unpatched Java vulnerability in Macs
New Mac OS X Trojan
