Opera for Mac OS X patches 6 security holes

Opera for Mac OS X patches 6 security holes

تاریخ ایجاد

ID: IRCNE2012031446
Date: 2012-03-31

According to "zdnet", The Opera Web browser for Mac OS X has been recently updated to version 11.62, with the latest update patching six security holes.
Details on the fixed vulnerabilities:

  • Fixed an issue where small windows could be used to trick users into executing downloads, as reported by Jordi Chancel; see our advisory
  • Fixed an issue where overlapping content could trick users into executing downloads, as reported by Jordi Chancel; see our advisory
  • Fixed an issue where history.state could leak the state data from cross domain pages; see our advisory

Users are advised to update to the latest versions immediately, either through the browser’s built-in updater, or directly download the latest version from Opera’s web site.
