Flash Player 11.2 fixes critical vulnerabilities

Flash Player 11.2 fixes critical vulnerabilities

تاریخ ایجاد

ID: IRCNE2012031445
Date: 2012-03-29

According to "techworld", Adobe have released Flash Player 11.2, addressing two critical arbitrary code execution vulnerabilities.
One of the patched vulnerabilities stems from how older versions of Flash Player checks URL security domains, and only affects the Flash Player ActiveX plug-in for Internet Explorer on Windows 7 or Vista.
Both vulnerabilities can trigger memory corruptions and can be exploited to execute arbitrary code remotely.
Users of Adobe Flash Player and earlier versions for Windows, Macintosh, Linux and Solaris are advised to update to the new Adobe Flash Player 11.2 for their respective platforms. Users of Adobe Flash Player for Android are advised to update to Flash Player
