Microsoft employee e-mail also hit by Syrian Electronic Army

Microsoft employee e-mail also hit by Syrian Electronic Army

تاریخ ایجاد

ID: IRCNE2014012075
Date: 2013-01-18

According to "cnet", in addition to compromising some of Microsoft's social-networking accounts, the Syrian Electronic Army also accessed a "small number" of employee e-mail accounts, the company confirmed Wednesday.
"A social engineering cyberattack method known as phishing resulted in a small number of Microsoft employee social media and e-mail accounts being impacted," a Microsoft spokesperson said in a statement to CNET. "These accounts were reset and no customer information was compromised. We continue to take a number of actions to protect our employees and accounts against this industrywide issue."
The Syrian Electronic Army -- a political hacking group that supports Syrian President Bashar Assad -- appears to be waging a war on Microsoft. Over the weekend, the group took control of the Twitter accounts of Xbox and Xbox Support, along with Xbox's Instagram account. The company's TechNet blog was also compromised.
A tweet sent by the group Wednesday indicated that its campaign against the tech giant was not over.
