Cyber criminals offer malware for Nginx, Apache Web servers

Cyber criminals offer malware for Nginx, Apache Web servers

تاریخ ایجاد

ID: IRCNE2013122054
Date: 2013-12-30

According to "computerworld", a new malware program that functions as a module for the Apache and Nginx Web servers is being sold on cybercrime forums, according to researchers from security firm IntelCrawler.
The malware is called Effusion and according to the sales pitch seen by IntelCrawler, a start-up firm based in Los Angeles that specializes in cybercrime intelligence, it can inject code in real time into websites hosted on the compromised Web servers. By injecting content into a website, attackers can redirect visitors to exploits or launch social engineering attacks.
The Effusion module works with Nginx from version 0.7 up to the latest stable version, 1.4.4, and with Apache running on 32- and 64-bit versions of Linux and FreeBSD.
The malware can inject rogue code into static content of certain MIME types, including JavaScript and HTML. Attackers can push configuration updates and control code modifications remotely.
The malware can check whether it has root access, something that could allow the attackers greater control over the underlying system. It can also delete the injected content when suspicious processes are detected in order to hide itself, Andrey Komarov, IntelCrawler's CEO, said via email.
While this is not the first malware to function as an Apache module, it is one of the very few so far to also target Nginx, a high-performance Web server that has grown considerably in popularity in recent years.
