Facebook forces some users to reset passwords because of Adobe data breach

Facebook forces some users to reset passwords because of Adobe data breach

تاریخ ایجاد

ID: IRCNE2013112022
Date: 2013-11-20

According to "computerworld", facebook locked some users out of their accounts after determining that their log-in credentials were exposed as a result of a security breach at Adobe. The company is asking users who used the same log-in credentials for Adobe's online services and Facebook to verify their identity and change their password.
When trying to log in, Facebook users who fall into that category will see a security prompt informing them that "there was a security incident on another website unrelated to Facebook" and that their accounts are at risk because they were using the same password in both places.
"To secure your account, you'll need to answer a few questions and change your password," the Facebook security message says. "For your protection, no one can see you on Facebook until you finish."
In early October, Adobe announced that hackers broke into its internal computer network and stole source code for several products, as well as information on 2.9 million customers including their log-in IDs and encrypted passwords for Adobe's online services.
After a file containing 150 million Adobe user names and encrypted passwords appeared online late last month, the company revised its estimation and said that the breach affected approximately 38 million active users.
