Three quarters of consumers concerned about privacy online

Three quarters of consumers concerned about privacy online

تاریخ ایجاد

ID: IRCNE2013061884
Date: 2013-06-25

According to “TechWorld”, new research commissioned by civil liberties campaign group Big Brother Watch has revealed that over three quarters of consumers globally are concerned about their privacy online.
In a survey of 10,354 people across nine countries, undertaken by market research agency ComRes, 79 percent said they were concerned about their personal privacy, with India (94 percent), Brazil (90 percent) and Spain (90 percent) showing the highest level of concern.
The UK figure was actually below average at 68 percent, while Germany, which has one of the strongest data protection laws in the world, was the only country where a majority (56 percent) said they are unconcerned about their privacy online.
Globally, 41 percent of people feel consumers are being harmed by big companies gathering large amounts of data. Respondents in South Korea, UK, Australia and France were the most critical of this practice, while those in Brazil, India and Spain were the most sympathetic to them doing so.
