Mozilla Firefox 21 Tackles 8 Security Advisories

Mozilla Firefox 21 Tackles 8 Security Advisories

تاریخ ایجاد

ID: IRCNE2013051847
Date: 2013-05-18

According to “InternetNews”, on the security front, Mozilla has issued eight security advisories with the Firefox 21 release. Three of the advisories are critical and deal with memory related vulnerabilities and exploitations.
Some of the flaws were reported by Google security researchers using the open source Address Sanitizer tool.
"Security researcher Abhishek Arya (Inferno) of the Google Chrome Security Team used the Address Sanitizer tool to discover a series of use-after-free, out of bounds read, and invalid write problems rated as moderate to critical as security issues in shipped software," Mozilla states in its advisory. "Some of these issues are potentially exploitable, allowing for remote code execution."
