Linux servers turned into bots by 'IptabLes' and 'IptabLex' malware

Linux servers turned into bots by 'IptabLes' and 'IptabLex' malware

تاریخ ایجاد

Number: IRCNE2014092308
Date: 2014-09-08

According to “techworld”, a botnet that infects and exploits poorly-maintained Linux servers has been used to launch a spate of large DDoS attacks targeting DNS and other infrastructure, Akamai’s Prolexic division has warned.
Dubbed the ‘IptabLes and IptabLex botnet’ the attack target versions of Apache Struts and Tomcat, as well as some running Elasticsearch that have not been patched against a clutch of vulnerabilities.
Once compromised, the attack elevates privileges to allow remote control of the server from which the malicious code is dropped and run, after which it awaits direction by the bot’s command and control.
The bot had been used to launch a number of DDoS attacks during 2014, including a significant one that reached a peak of 119Gbps, on entertainment websites.
Corralling Linux servers for DDoS is a relatively new tactic and this particular campaign appeared to be in its early stages and prone to instability, Akamai said, urging admins to patch and harden vulnerable Linux servers as soon as possible.
"We have traced one of the most significant DDoS attack campaigns of 2014 to infection by IptabLes and IptabLex malware on Linux systems," said Akamai senior vice president and general manager, Security Business, Stuart Scholly.
"This is a significant cybersecurity development because the Linux operating system has not typically been used in DDoS botnets. Linux admins need to know about this threat to take action to protect their servers."
