New iOS 7 lock screen flaw opens up iPhones, iPads in seconds

New iOS 7 lock screen flaw opens up iPhones, iPads in seconds

تاریخ ایجاد

Number: IRCNE2014062216
Date: 2014-06-14

According to “itpro”, a new lock screen bypass for iOS 7 has been discovered, allowing anyone to sidestep the default authentification screen and access locked phones in just a few seconds.

By using this bypass, anyone can access apps running in the foreground before the device was locked but will not be granted full access to the device.

The security of the lock screen on Apple devices has been questioned before, with iOS 6 sporting a similar bug that allowed hackers to bypass the lock-screen with a simple code.

The severity of the potential security breach depends very much on the nature of the app that has been most recently opened, with passwords, financial details and personal information quite possibly at risk.

To defend against a breach before the problem is fixed, concerned users can disable Control Centre access for the lock-screen.
