Oracle identifies products affected by Heartbleed, but work remains on fixes

Oracle identifies products affected by Heartbleed, but work remains on fixes

تاریخ ایجاد

Date: 2014-04-20

According to “zdnet”, Oracle issued a comprehensive list of its software that may or may not be affected by the OpenSSL (secure sockets layer) vulnerability known as Heartbleed, while warning that no fixes are yet available for some likely affected products.
The list includes well over 100 products that appear to be in the clear, either because they never used the version of OpenSSL reported to be vulnerable to Heartbleed, or because they don't use OpenSSL at all.
However, Oracle is still investigating whether another roughly 20 products, including MySQL Connector/C++, Oracle SOA Suite and Nimbula Director, are vulnerable.
Oracle determined that seven products are vulnerable and is offering fixes. These include Communications Operation Monitor, MySQL Enterprise Monitor, MySQL Enterprise Server 5.6, Oracle Communications Session Monitor, Oracle Linux 6, Oracle Mobile Security Suite and some Solaris 11.2 implementations.
Another 14 products are likely to be vulnerable, but Oracle doesn't have fixes for them yet, according to the post. These include BlueKai, Java ME and MySQL Workbench.
