Google to freeze some Adobe Flash content on Sept

Google to freeze some Adobe Flash content on Sept

تاریخ ایجاد

Number: IRCNE2015082616
Date: 2015/08/30

According to “computerworld”, Google will stop some Flash content from automatically playing starting Sept. 1, a move it decided on earlier this year to improve browser performance.
Flash, made by Adobe Systems, is still widely used for multimedia content, but security and performance issues have prompted calls to move away from it.
There are also security implications that Google didn’t mention. Vulnerabilities in Flash are one of the most common ways that malware ends up on computers.
While Adobe in recent years has taken steps to improve Flash's security with speedier updates and code reviews, it still is a widely used attack vector.
The change will take effect from Sept. 1 for its Chrome browsers, Google said. Users will have the option to play the content, but they will need to adjust the browser’s settings to automatically play content requiring a Flash plugin.
